Michelle schiller
Health & Wellness Coach
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Yoga Instructor, 200 Hr YTT
Favorite quotes:
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too” - Paulo Coelho
"Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live"
- Jim Rohn
Michelle's Story
Health care and wellness coaching is my passion. My career has revolved around health care across many facets, and my goal is to help those in need to excel in life. Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit. I prioritize physical health, mental well-being and spiritual fulfillment with all my clients, so they can strive towards a healthier and happier life. I am committed to helping my clients achieve their health and wellness goals. I work one-on-one with my clients and establish early on exactly what success means to them on their path to personal growth. My favorite color is aqua symbolizing rejuvenation, optimism and vitality.
Early Days
I grew up in Michigan on a farm. My early life was filled with farm chores and outdoor experiences. I was raised to respect those around me and nurture my relationships. I have a passion to help all things living, from people to animals. I am a nurturer and started taking care of my farm animals and pets at an early age. My desire to nurture and help others drove me into the health care field. ​
Over the last three decades I have worked as a health care administrator for several organizations, dental assistant, practice manager for a dental insurance company, projects coordinator and skin treatment specialist. I am a strong team player and always look to build upon the strengths of individuals in any team atmosphere. Fitness and athletics have always been important to my well-being, and I continue to pursue certifications in health and wellness, not only for my own health but to help family, friends and clients live a better life.
Health & Wellness Coaching
I have transitioned myself to coach in the health and wellness field. This ties back to my nurturing instinct and desire to help those get back to living a good quality of life. I have endured losses of friends and family due to illnesses and poor health, and I am committed to helping reverse the damages incurred from unhealthy life choices.
My coaching style is a combination of life coaching and client specific instruction. My programs combine good nutrition, yoga and exercise. Identifying my clients' strengths and weaknesses and opportunities for growth are key to my practice.
With your permission, we will partner together on a path that best meets your short- and long-term goals. We will tailor a strategy together that reflects your unique self. How you perceive yourself and how you feel perceived by others plays an important role in your personal growth.
As a health and wellness coach, I abide by the code of ethics and privacy terms with all my clients.
Your Health & Wellness Journey
​As a Health & Wellness Coach, my areas of interest include both one-on-one and group coaching. Core functional areas of focus include physical activity, nutrition, weight management, stress management and sleep. If one of these areas is out of balance, the others may be as well. For example, if you’re not getting enough sleep, you might not have the energy to work out or focus on meal planning. Combined, it might feel like too much to solve. Together we will sort out where to start and find ways to make positive changes that grow over time.
I will look at factors that might be affecting your health-related behaviors. Together, we will tailor a manageable plan for achieving your goals. I will check in regularly with you using your preference (email, phone, virtual or in-person meetings), over the duration of your journey. During our sessions, I will ask questions to get you thinking of how to overcome your short-term and long-term challenges.
​​​Michelle's LinkedIn Profile
(23) Michelle Schiller | LinkedIn
​​​​Home and hobbies
I live in the St Petersburg, Florida area. I enjoy all things outside from our beautiful local beaches to hiking mountains. I enjoy travelling and learning about different cuisines and recipes that are nutritionally based. My mother has advancing dementia and learning how to better understand this debilitating condition is important to me. I continue to study and understand nutritional impacts and health related exercises to slow the onset of dementia.
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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
Tel: 727 515 6270